Pets usually only accompany us for a few years of our lives.
We instead accompany our pets throughout their lives.
a safe animal home, for sure
Are you getting a pet? Yeah, your new companion is moving in! But let’s first check your living spaces and outdoor areas. The ArchitekTIER investment packages as part of a check-up or a TiSA (TierSicherheitsAbnahme mit Gütesiegel [pet safety inspection with seal of approval) help you to master the challenges of the new living environment. Where are dangerous spots for your pet? What might be poisonous for the new family member and what might affect your furniture while your pet is growing up?
The professional ArchitekTIER team will show you these potential dangers and help you with advice, tips and recommendations. Is there a small adjustment in your daily routine that might help or do you need a structural change? Trust our expertise and let’s collaborate on making your life with your pet peaceful, accident-free and future-proof.

Video call via smartphone/tablet
Digital tour
Live information/live advice
1 hour

„At home“
Customized consultation at your home
Inspection of indoor spaces and outdoor areas
Instant information-tips-tricks
1 hour

„Home PLUS“
Customized consultation at your home
Inspection of indoor spaces and outdoor areas
1.5 hours
Preparation of results exposé with seal of approval**

„PLUS Expert“
As “Home PLUS"
Coordination of expert engineer(s)
e.g. structural engineer, biologist
Preparation of results exposé with seal of approval**
* Please note our travel expenses when booking your appointment.
** All results from our on-site meeting will be indicated in written form in the results exposé.
You will receive a digital copy and a print version with a seal of approval.
The average processing time is 14 days.
Travel expenses
For “Home”, “Home PLUS” and “PLUS Expert” investment packages, travelling up to 25 km from the company headquarters is free of charge For additional kilometres, we charge € 0.30 per kilometre plus the required driving time which adds up to € 85/hour. We are delighted to provide you with an individual offer.
Planning & Implementation
New construction – Reconstruction – Extension
Many architects are really good at planning and constructing. Our origin is in traditional architectural services in building construction as well. But what happens when the focus shifts to the co-living of humans and pets? In the course of our professional activity, a new level of demand evolved among our clients: the desire for an optimized structural living space for people and their pets.
For our customers and many other people, the idea of just “keeping pets” has changed to a vision of living together. Compromising coexistence is outdated.
ArchitekTIER, Lebensraum für Mensch und Tier GmbH, specializes in planning services, consulting services and the development of products for the optimized coexistence of humans and their pets. The way of thinking about structural redesign in existing and new buildings has changed. Pets have become more: today, they are our partners, hope-givers, companions and soulmates. We accompany our pets throughout their lives.
By combining specialist planning knowledge and expertise in keeping various pets, we create, among other things, cat oases with open-air aviaries and integrated landscapes. We plan homes with barrier-free dog bath rooms, protected open spaces for Agility and their own kitchens. We create koi pond landscapes in the middle of your dining area and workplace. There are no limits to our ideas.

combines your needs with our know-how
We are a competent network of architects, planners, structural engineers and biologists. By means of our core competence, we are your strong consulting partner. First and foremost, we are animal lovers with the aim of achieving the best possible harmony between you and your animals. Our team brings years of experience in many areas of animal husbandry to the table.
For example, the keeping and conditioning of hunting dogs requires a high degree of responsibility and specialist knowledge. The counterpart to this is cat keeping: we are experts in both indoor and outdoor cats. We are able to plan pond installations for fish as livestock as well as design and construct your new salt water world inside your home. We are reptile tamers, chicken-egg self-supporters, rodent whisperers, prey-flat builders and flight attendants.
We would be more than happy to introduce ourselves and our expertise to you in a personal meeting.

Value (definition):
[the inherent quality of a thing that makes it desirable to a certain extent]
Having pets requires careful consideration of various factors to insure the well-being of the animals and harmony among the other family members. Even before you get a pet, there are many important aspects that need to be taken into account in terms of husbandry, official requirements, nutrition and safety.
As important as your animals are to our customers, the people we work for are just as important to us as the animals themselves. Your dog is your reliable partner, and so are we, as a service provider, we do everything we can to ensure this reliability.
It’s our mission to be the best partner for the transformation of your home.
This is what ArchitekTIER stands for:
Best availability and reliable responses
Compliance with deadlines
Friendly and appreciating collaboration

Individual and customized
Planning systems such as ArchiCAD from GRAPHISOFT enable us to implement the latest and highest technical standards in the design of buildings, facilities and open spaces. We level open areas with a Leica rotary laser.
Precise planning and thoughtful preparation considerably facilitate implementation and execution. Habitat preparation comes with great responsibility and only when it’s done individually and on a customized basis, its success can be guaranteed.
Everyone of us has their very own definition of living. The first step is to listen to and analyze your needs. Adding the needs of the animals results in a completely new level of living space planning. This is our guide in all phases of planning, preparation and consultation. Our additional expertise from a cooperating network is our extra for you.

Lebensraum für Mensch und Tier GmbH
Kellerfeld 16
91604 Flachslanden
Telefon: +49 9829 – 932262 – 5